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A shared methodology

When Anne-Sophie Tuszynski mobilized the first six large companies, she proposed that they deploy an experimental program: the "Pioneers" program.

This three-year program tested a methodology for including the disease based on a collaborative intelligence approach aimed at all the company's stakeholders.

The approach led to the construction of a roadmap designed for and by employees and the implementation of an operational action plan. This proven methodology is available to all Cancer@Work members.

An annual Symposium to spread good practices and innovations

Discover the replay of the 2024 edition

Every year, Cancer@Work gives the floor to its members during a Conference: an unmissable event allowing the sharing of good practices and innovations for the inclusion of illness in the workplace.

In February 2024, the first bilingual English/French Cancer@Work Conference took place in digital format.

2024 theme: Cancer@Work, a sharing place for committed companies.

Cancer@Work had the pleasure of welcoming qualified, committed and inspiring speakers around 3 sets:

1️⃣ Change job to change work

2️⃣ Take action and promote the subject in Society

3️⃣ Spread, disease has no border



To better reconcile illness and work


The Cancer@Work Label: to better reconcile illness and work

The new tool to measure and value the commitment and good practices of organizations to reconcile illness and work.

Created on the initiative of our members to have a measurement tool to evaluate and value their actions and good practices, Cancer@Work worked with them during co-construction workshops.

Based on this work, the Club developed the Cancer@Work label thanks to financial support from Axa, Malakoff Humanis and Roche France. To carry out this project, Cancer@Work called on Stéphanie Deltenre, a GRI-certified training partner, INDR expert and ESR Label expert since 2012.

Since January 2019, this Label allows member companies to measure and recognize good practices and initiatives of companies in terms of inclusion of the disease in the workplace.

The Cancer@Work Label is a true marker of social innovation, responsible and sustainable commitment, aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) social responsibility norms and standards. It highlights the commitments of member companies to reduce inequalities, prevent precariousness and develop the creation of human, social and economic value.

In 2019, 9 companies have been labeled: Banque Populaire Val de France, Caisse d'Epargne Loire Centre, CCI Productions, Chrymelie, Foncia, Gilead, Malakoff Humanis, Novartis and Planète Végétal.

In 2020, 7 companies have been labeled:  AstraZeneca, Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne, Banque Populaire Val de France (access to level 3), Bristol Myers Squibb, Crédit Foncier de France, Foncia Groupe, PwC France and Maghreb.

In 2021, 3 companies received the Cancer@Work Label: Banque Populaire du Sud, Gilead and PwC France and Maghreb.

In 2022 7 companies have been labeled: CANAL+ Group, Caisse d'Epargne Loire Centre, Groupe CCI Productions, CHRYMELIE, Dassault Systèmes, Malakoff Humanis and UTOPIES.

In 2023, 14 companies received the Cancer@Work Label: AÉSIO Mutuelle, AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Banque Populaire du Sud, Banque Populaire Rives de Paris, Banque Populaire Val de France, Crédit Coopératif, Crédit Foncier, Dassault Systèmes, Foncia, GSK France, Publicis Groupe France, VMS France et White & Case LLP.

In 2024, 12 companies received the Cancer@Work Label: AÉSIO Mutuelle, Banque Populaire du Sud, Bristol Myers Squibb, CGI, Groupe CRC - Caisses Réunionnaises Complémentaires, Decathlon France, The Estée Lauder Companies France, GSK, Groupe HALADJIAN, Maison Moët & Chandon, PwC France et Magreb, VINCI Construction en France - Services partagés.

⬇️ To know more about our Label



When facing cancer, every support counts.

65% of employees want more commitment from their company regarding cancer. *

In February 2025, we had the pleasure of launching our new awareness video "Strings", a poignant and meaningful work aimed at highlighting the importance of solidarity and support within the professional community, regarding cancer.

Through strong images and an emotional soundtrack, the clip highlights the often difficult journey of people faced with this illness, while reminding us of the crucial impact of the support that one can provide to colleagues affected by the illness.

Thank you to Publicis Groupe for this sublime achievement, so poignantly true.

* According to the 5th edition of the Cancer@Work barometer (France, 2024), “Cancer, chronic illness and work”.


Discover the international awareness campaign, initiated by Publicis Groupe, with which Cancer@Work and Gustave Roussy are associated. The disease has no borders and must be taken into account in all companies, worldwide.

We share the conviction of Arthur Sadoun, CEO of Publicis Groupe, that we must erase the stigma of cancer in the workplace.

Launched in January 2023, Working with Cancer promotes a corporate culture that is more supportive and favorable to the integration of employees with cancer.


The digital platform "The Working with Cancer Pledge"


Like Philippe Salle, President of Cancer@Work and President of Emeria, Cancer@Work invites all leaders to sign The Working with Cancer Pledge, to mark their commitment to supporting people living and working with cancer around the world.

Join the #workingwithcancer movement on the digital platform:

Monday : the film of the awareness campaign

"Half of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime*. All of us should give support at work. » ​

* British Journal of Cancer and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - Est number of new cases. all cancers, sexes, ages (2020)

Awareness video

As part of the deployment of Cancer@Work in Europe, discover the video clip launched in September 2023, and produced in partnership with Publicis Groupe.




The first LinkedIn skill that values patients in the job market

Our goal: to transform the experience of living with cancer into a professional asset

Cancer@Work has created "Fighting Cancer", a new LinkedIn skill to change the way people look at illness at work.

Accompanied by the FamousGrey Paris agency, Cancer@Work has come up with a bold and engaging system to change the way people look at cancer patients.

People suffering from cancer must not only fight against the disease but also against the white period on their CV. Cancer is synonymous with isolation, a break in their career path and a loss of values.

However, these men and women have developed exceptional qualities of courage, strength and tenacity, which are precious in the professional world. Maintaining the employment of patients who wish to do so proves to be a winning equation on a human level as well as an economic one for the company, the employee and society.

This is why Cancer@Work has turned to LinkedIn to create a new "Fighting Cancer" skill for anyone who has been confronted with the disease.

To promote this new skill, Cancer@Work has produced a film that highlights patients and the skills they have acquired during their illness, as well as testimonials from doctors and recruiters who see the resources and wealth of patients on a daily basis.

An optimistic and poignant film, carrying a message of hope and motivation for all people living with cancer.

Our goal: to change the recruiters mindsets

"The Unstoppable Résumé", an online platform that reveals the soft-skills of the disease experience to better reach recruiters.

"The Unstoppable Résumé", an online platform that reveals the soft-skills of the disease experience to better reach recruiters.
Accompanied once again by the FamousGrey Paris agency, Cancer@Work is launching in 2019 a platform to reveal the skills of former patients and change the way recruiters look at them.

Today, the world of recruitment is increasingly computerized: 95% of large companies and 50% of SMEs use recruitment software called ATS (Applicant Tracking System). These software programs, programmed to analyze resumes, cross-reference dates or ranges of experience and search for specific keywords. They are thus able to exclude a resume containing a period of inactivity, such as a period of convalescence. For people affected by cancer, finding a job is extremely complicated because of the blank period left by the disease on their CV.

To give them as many chances as other candidates to get interviews, Cancer@Work has created an innovative online platform called "The Unstoppable Résumé". By logging in with their LinkedIn account, former patients could automatically generate a CV that would turn this blank period that could have excluded them from the process into a strength. Thanks to different soft skills, this period was filled with a text containing the skills they developed

during their fight against cancer. Written in white on white, this text was invisible to the naked eye, allowing the CVs generated via the platform to pass the filters of the recruiters' software.

A strong and impactful film that reveals the skills of the experience of illness.

It is also possible to create an unstoppable resume manually to make this white period, left by the convalescence period, a formidable asset. To do so, you just need to add the skills you developed while fighting the illness to your CV. Here are some examples that will resonate with your personal experience.

Stress management
Team spirit
Taking a step back
Entrepreneurial spirit


The first platform that reveals the soft-skills
of the disease experience

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